Saturday, March 28, 2009

An Alarm from an Emblem of my Peace


In a dream…

The dimensions of my peace are not in metaphysical increments because they come in forms with distinct names. It may even be morbidly mundane to those that live in rotting urban centers. There is a stark project housing unit somewhere in the UK that can tell you my story. It’s shaped like an unclosed rectangle with the opening used as a courtyard facing a large body of water. Vegetation has dominated the side of the building. Flats have wide open windows. Some tenants have even taken it upon themselves –with the help of a negligent government to break through the walls for wider openings and make-shift balconies. They are people of color; hang-drying brilliant traditional garbs and modern clothing. Although they are underprivileged they remain content but never complacent. Lush with grime and rich with life this poor place I am in awe of. Suddenly they push back from their communal flat openings into their rooms. A spray of doves and seagulls cover the suns rays as they escape what I am confused by. I stand their possibly with someone else. I turn around to a hazy nothing. A large body of water probably stagnant with long-term metropolitan influence. The recoiled people tell me with their response. Slowly they emerge from their shambled flats. Still they focus on what made them afraid but now it is reverence they express; an admiration of what I can not yet see. This is self-unawareness. Beholding…


During conscious life I’ve tried to pinpoint what self-unawareness is. I’ve come to use my dreams as maps for where I am in all facets of myself. I’m gaining insight. I enjoy encouraging myself. The feeling of the audience’ reverence reminds me of a photograph I took of myself that I entitled “Seeing God”. Though God or whatever my gaze is fixated on is not pictured, it is this that shows another vital affinity to my dream. It was taken in a grimy part of London. I used a steel scaffold to hold my camera- this photograph happened to captured a very pinnacle point in my life. At that point I excelled. This dream is probably a sign of strong growth.

By leaps and bounds.

London, Germany, and Denmark 131


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Train's Providence

I want nothing to do with trains except the tone they may emit during cool spring nights when its voice rolls through the trees and lands as soft wind against the skin. They exist only at a distance to haunt the mind with immediate desires to flee or pursue. Chasing tail ends of rolling northern lights abandoning a western town for someplace strange yet congruent having headed for the north promised by the song of a distant freight.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fighting a Gorilla in a Phone Booth

Now here's the stage during late mornings and early open afternoons that I choose to pace about my house trying to reflect on things that I think I've done wrong. Usually It feels like a fog in my brain deceiving me with truth and falsehood. This fog is not something that I should fight but have every power to simply dismiss. It is only a matter of short time- that it falls and soaks the ground-eventually-ironically nourishing its surroundings.